Spiritual Awakening

The Starting Line

Let me start this entire endeavor off by saying: I do not know where this is going to go and I do not know exactly what it is I am trying to accomplish on this website, this blog, this anything, yet.

What I do know is, I am in the middle of a seriously wild spiritual awakening and my intuition is telling me I need to start writing again; so here we are. Maybe this will resonate with someone or spark a planted seed somewhere. I will also add that my dreams have told me as of late that writing is something that I arrived here on this earth plane to do so I suppose I should get back to it as to not fall off my karmic path.

If you would have asked me approximately 3.5 months ago what my dreams meant I would have said, not a clue but they have to mean something. If you would have asked me 3 months ago what a spirit guide was, I probably would have quietly laughed, rolled my eyes and then got mildly uncomfortable at the idea of the “other side”. If you would have asked me 2 years ago, I would have said God doesn’t exist, that sky daddy is hogwash and we are just here by happenstance and then go as quickly as we come into the darkness.

In a totally contradictory statement, this awakening — however recent, actually isn’t all that recent for me. I have just done a spectacular job at waylaying it for as long as possible in order to stay in the perfect rut of normalcy I had enjoyed for many years.

When my father passed away in 2014 I was thrown into tremendous pain, confusion, and grief; as one does when they lose a loved one. I began seeking, but got as far as copying down some dictionary definitions to “God” and “Soul” in my journal then drew some Dexter-ish lines between some key phrases and then threw in the towel. It didn’t matter to me then because legit nothing in my life was making sense, so making sense of the big stuff wasn’t in the cards, either.

Fast forward through years of grief related agony and I began seeking again. It started with the sage author Eckhart Tolle and his book The Power of Now. I read it cover to cover and the only thing that truly made sense to me was the statement, “Watch the Thinker”. Everything else was so far from anything I could understand in my limited mindset. But that phrase stuck with me over the years.

At this point on my timeline I was throwing myself into entrepreneurship, I had been writing for Udemy for a year or so but wanted to move into something more visually creative, which led me to web design. This led me to graphic design, branding, product design and more, as time went on.

As I dove into the world of business owning I found a world of people who were dedicated to growing and shifting their mindset, calling on meditation and community to gain better understanding of their world, their audience and themselves. I was introduced to James Wedmore from a podcast I listened to and gave his podcast a go. If you know anything about Wedmore, he is known for the Wedmore Woo, a spiritual business mentor who uses the laws of the universe and our higher self in order to maximize success and service in business. He is quite awesome.

But still, his teachings weren’t clicking. I felt… disconnected from the idea that a higher self existed and what, if anything, that had to do with being more successful in business. It all felt so esoteric and strange. But I kept listening.

Through him I was introduced to his mentor, Jim Fortin who is a master at subconscious reprogramming and has a shaman for a brother-in-law, to boot. I was hooked. If I could unlock the keys of my subconscious perhaps I could unlock a way to navigate so many of the obstacles I had been coming up against all these years. Business related, grief related, personal trials and tribulations; all of which seemed moveable now, fixable, overcomeable; as it were.

I jumped into a free trial of his most popular program and started to see that these people not only wanted the same things I did, but they were using this spiritual woo-woo tilt to get there. I started letting myself look deeper into seemingly (to me) unreal things like “angel numbers” and auras, manifestation and synchronicities.

If I am being honest, my drive at this point to learn and grow was solely to help become a better manifester. My business was struggling and as a one income family everyone was relying on me to make ends meet which was really weighing on me. I wanted to know how to create abundance – and stat.

That’s when I heard about the book The Law of Attraction by Abraham Hicks. Now, if you are in the spiritual world at all it is likely you have heard of if not read this book; I implore you to do it if you haven’t. It changed everything. How could this be possible? Is she really letting this being speak through her? Why does everything in this book just make sense? This is so much more than just manifesting wealth, material items, there is just a lot more to this whole entire thing. I started meditating daily. Twice a day. Three times a day. I read a book after book on not only manifesting, but auras and shamans and absent healing and spiritual growth.

During this point in 2024 my mom was going through her own spiritual awakening. Her gateway was NDE’s and off she went down her own spiritual rabbit hole. She introduced me to the idea of channeling through people she was watching and I found my way to the trans-channel Anne Tucker’s YouTube channel. I was blown away. I had read Abraham Hicks, but to see this channeling happening in first person hit totally different.

Not only do we create our reality, not only do we have a higher self, not only are we balls of energy and light with a purpose here on earth, we can communicate WITH discarnate beings and have them communicate THROUGH us. Mind blown.

I still didn’t have a firm understanding of how this whole process works or what we are doing, why we are doing it and so on; but I was once again Dexter-ing all the pieces together as I got new information.

And just when I thought my mind couldn’t be blown open any more, Anne Tucker mentioned the name Michael Sheridan. He is a dream analyzer (and so. much. more.) If you have not heard of this hero, stop what you are doing and go Google him. I promise you, he will change your life forever. I know he did mine.

I lucked out that the day I found him, merely three months ago, as he was wrapping up his three day seminar of which there were recordings. I signed up and spent the next week with an earbud in one ear non-stop to absorb as much information as I possibly could. His seminar started with why we are here, he spoke to the birth imprint, feminine and masculine energy, our higher self, spiritual gifts, spirit guides and of course: our dreams.

To put it simply: dreams are messages from our higher self to keep us on track here on the earth plane. We come here with a purpose, very carefully crafted purpose, and we need to make sure we adhere to it in order to get closer (or on) the dharmic path; the ultimate goal.

I got his dream dictionary and began interpreting my own dreams to the best of my ability. I found they were alarming accurate with what was going on in my life at the moment and had gone on in the past. The method he uses proves itself over and over again. Dreams are a psychic reading every single night, you just have to know how to read them.

I asked the angels (hard to believe that phrase is even coming out of my mouth, but here we are) to help me get into Michael Sheridan’s healing and dream interpretation course. I knew it was going to be the catalyst that catapults me to the next level of my life, and my family’s life. As I learn, I teach them and they are growing right along side me.

The angels answered. I got enrolled in the course the morning it began, 10 days ago. I have begun a subconscious healing therapy by Phyllis Krystal called Cutting The Ties That Bind, guided by coaches who know a whole hell of a lot more than I do and I couldn’t be happier to be under their care for the next 7 weeks.

I will elaborate, perhaps, more on these things later but all of this to say: this journey I have been on has been wild. It has been long. It has been convoluted, messy and outright awful at times – but I chose this. And now that I know I chose this, I have to pay attention to those synchronicities that I once ignored, I have to pay attention to the dreams I often wrote down but couldn’t make sense of, I have to listen to the feeling in my gut and follow my heart instead of letting my head lead the way. Easier said then done, but you have to start somewhere.

And that, that is why I am here writing all of this now. It may not fall into even one person’s lap, but that is perfectly fine with me. It’s something I am feeling called to do so I am doing it.

And so it is, to the best & bright light ahead,


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